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A full and ever-expanding menu of workshops that can be tailored to any group's needs.

These workshops centre around wisdom connections for self-healing, self-empowerment and the ability to be in service on this earth. Some say that so much wisdom has been lost over – the Awenydd say that it is still here… in nature, and in ourselves.


These include:


Introduction to.... Workshops:

  •  Introduction to Shamanic Self-Healing What is mean by shamanic? How is this used in self-healing? How can this benefit the world around us as well as ourselves? These questions and more are discussed, and practices that you can work with at home are given in this workshop. The length of this workshop is tailored to your needs by adapting the amount of practices shared to the time given.

  • Introduction to Creating your Own Ceremony. Across generations, ceremonies have united us in connection, gratitude, healing, and intention-setting. This workshop invites you to explore practical ways to co-create your meaningful rituals. From honouring our ancestors to marking life's milestones, delve into the essence of ceremony and its transformative potential. Join us for an enriching session of exploration and empowerment. 

  • Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: Learning what is understand as mindfulness, a way of developing presence and inner peace and self-awareness in our lives. Learning practices to assist you develop your own mindfulness practices. 

  • Introduction to Awenydd Shamanic Journeying: Journeying is worked with to access gently altered states, known as the shamanic state of consciousness. This inner travel can assist us unlock gifts in our subconscious and supraconsious. An introduction to this ancient practice that is found in many cultures worldwide, including the ancient wisdom of these lands.

  • Introduction to Plant Medicines: Some say our medicine is only meters away from where we live in the plants around us. This workshop shares ways to connect with the plants we wish to work with for medicine, to ask their permission to work with them, and be assisted by their wisdom through meditations with them.

  • Introduction to...[Insert your workshop here]..   Each of the workshops on this full menu, can be worked with as an introductory workshop and caters to absolute beginners, advanced practitioners and all in between. While all workshops come with a short introduction, an 'Introduction to.....' workshop emphasises the introductory aspect.


Drumming Circle Meditation Workshops:


  • Drumming together for release, relaxation, expression, connection and wellbeing. Drums, and rattles provided..

Mindfulness Meditation Workshops:


  • Earth and Sun connection: A guided exercise to deeply feel our connection with the earth, the sun and pure potential.

  • Elements connection: Bringing our awareness to the air, fire/light, water and land energies around us and within us.

  • Growing peace meditation:  A guided exercise to resolve conflict within us and find peace.

  • Finding balance meditation:  A guided exercise to bring balance within us to promote balance outside us.

  • Emotional Regulation meditation: This meditation takes some moments to listen to our emotion wisdom. To listen and transform those to be transformed. And learn how we can cultivate and nourish those we wish to grow more in our lives, from our internal sources.

  • Bodywisdom Connection: Our body speaks to us everyday – this is a meditation to listen deeply to our body.

  • Energy centre wisdom connection: A meditation to learn from ourselves, what energy centres (chakras) mean to us.

  • Self-Check in wisdom connection: Connecting and learning from the wisdom of the body, mind, emotions and intuition

  • Body Connection Meditation: A guided exercise to connect with, send love to, and relax the body.

  • LovingKindness Meditation: Taking some moment to send ouri wishes out to our loved, ones, our wider communities, and ourselves.

Guided Journeying workshops with Meditation Drumming:


  • Bodywisdom Connection: It is said that we all have our answers within ourselves. An opportunity to journey deep within our body and learn from the wisdom stored here.

  • Earth Meditations: Connecting through journeys with the  

  • Water wisdom Connection: A time to connect with the wisdom of the water, to listen to what the water is ready to share and learn how we can be of service to this life giving energy.

  • Air wisdom connection: Connect with and learn from the spirit of the air. The awenydd and Bob Dylan talk about the wisdom and answers that wind whispers to us. A guided journey to connect and listen deeply – to learn from this air energy.

  • Sun wisdom: learning from the powerhouse that gives so much to us.

  • Plant wisdom Connection: Learning from plant medicine.

  • Subconscious wisdom connection: Meeting our inner guide and caretaker of our inner sacred garden  Asking question and receiving a gift from this place.  

  • Empower animals Connection: Meeting archetypical energies that we perceive as animals - ‘power animals’ - qualities around us and within us that can assist us in our lives.

  • Life Essence/Soul retrieval: Letting go of past soul contracts that may have bound us and retrieving a life essence part of ourselves that has been held safely, ready to return as part of our empowered whole. Know as soul retrieval.

  • Supraconscious wisdom connection: Learning from our guide in this place, an opportunity to ask questions, experience this place and make shifts from this place.

  • Mirror work: Kourney to meet parts of ourselves that we may have not acknowledged as part of us and reintegrate them as part of our whole.

  • Healed self connection: Connecting and allowng our healed self to inform who we are now.

  • Destiny retrieval (Normally Advanced Level): Turning the page of old contracts and aligning with our chosen destiny


Additional Self-Healing Workshops:

  • Mirror work: Often other people act as mirrors, to help us see what is beneficial to see. This can include seeing part of us that are ready to be reintegrated into our whole., finding the gifts and qualities in these parts, and assisting us accept them as part of our potential.

  • Creating Anrhegion I’r Tir (Haywarikuy) gifts for the earth – learning to create gifts of gratitude for the earth and the elements of the earth. Here too, we can set our intentions and wishes for our work with in service the earth.

  • Energy Clearing. Assisting the release of heavy, stagnant energy that we may have taken on or held onto that is ready to be released and allowing in free-flowing energy.

  • Shifting perceptual states. Identifying our assemblage point - where we see the world from, and being able to shift this perspective, to assist shifts happen in our lives.

  • Disengaging fight or flight. Guided exercise to assist us relax the fight or flight mode that can occur with fear, nerves, stress or tension, to relax.


Munay Ki Workshops (approx. 90 minutes):

Wisdom connections that can assist empower us and equip us with tools useful for our life journeys. Can be tailored to any age. Assisting us grow these qualities within us.


  • Kawak Karpay: Enlivening our connection with the Kawaks, the seers and visionaries, assisting us perceive the world of energy.

  • Bands of Empower Karpay: A non-defensive protection from other people's energy, working with the elements.

  • Archetype Karpay: Connection to universal archetypical energies, connected with the physical, mind, soul, energetic, subconscious, conscious and supra-conscious. Assisting us shift our lives through shifting perspectives.

  • Healers Karpay:  Assistance with self-healing, enlivening our donnection to the wisdom of the healers.


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